One day there was a girl named Sofia and she loved Sonic. Sonic ''was'' her husbando, after all. One day, she bought a Sonic plushy. It was her 300th one. But when she cut open it's back with only the highest quality X-acto knife to make sure the stuffing was the best quality, she found a game. A Sonic game. It had hyper-realistic blood on it, but it looked like the disc for Sonic Colors. She put it in her Wii and began playing. But this was weird. There was a picture of Sonic from Sonic 4, but she knew she had been playing Sonic Colors. She pressed the A button, and a picture of Sonic with black bloody eyes flashed on the screen. Then she felt something warm in her hands. She looked down to see her hand had blood all over it. She wiped her hand off. Then the game ran smoothly... Just normal Sonic Colors. Until the screen went black. Hyper-realistic blood was everywhere. Then she looked to see her Sonic plushy was destroyed. Blood was all over it. Sofia looked at herself and saw the blood was all over her. Then Sonic was on the screen, beaten up, hyper-realistic blood everywhere. A speech bubble above Sonic read "Mercy! Mercy! Why do you do this to me? I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO ALL THE TIMES WHEN YOU WERE LITTLE AND YOU SAID YOU LOVED ME SO MUCH HUH?!?!? NOW YOU JUST KILL ME OVER AND OVER AND OVER WITHOUT CARE OR... MERCY..." Sofia was trying to say no, but she said yes instead. "SO THIS IS ALL TERUE?!?!?" Sonic was on the ground, begging for mercy. Sofia tried to say no again, but she said yes. Then hyper-realistic blood was on the TV. Then Sonic came out and strangled her. Before she could say no, she was dead. The last thing she saw was the cashier of the store she bought the plushy from was saying "Just don't play the game inside it, ok?"
Yeh this isn't very funny. Feel free to delete if you think so too, admins.